Discover Wisconsin Alzheimer's Care Homes

Dementia care units in Wisconsin, which can also go by the terms Alzheimer’s care, memory care, or specialty care units, are facilities that are specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals with forms of dementia through service and activities. They typically include specially trained staff and systems that constantly monitor residents, ensure their safety, and prevent wandering.


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Wisconsin Dementia Care Homes - Cost Comparison

LocationMonthly MinimumMonthly Maximum
Green Bay$3,344$4,900

*Average monthly cost for single occupancy room in a memory care community

Attractions and Recreation in Wisconsin

Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers, is a huge attraction in Wisconsin because of the heavy statewide support of the team. Wisconsin has several gardens and parks including Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Peninsula State Park, and Cave Point County Park. Additionally, there are interesting museums like the Harley-Davidson Museum, Milwaukee Art Museum, and the Wisconsin Maritime Museum.

Wisconsin's Climate, Geography, and Culture

The climate in Wisconsin has summers that are warm with cool nights and sometimes-frigid winters that can be very snowy. On average, the summer high temperature is 82 degrees and the winter low is 6 degrees. However, these temperatures can vary drastically depending on the area. With 108 days of measurable precipitation throughout the year, 32 inches of rain and 44 inches of snow can be expected. 

In Wisconsin, there are various aspects of the culture that derive from different areas. Residents are known to be very nice and welcoming, but there is a very heavy rivalry between Wisconsin and Illinois in terms of sports and politics. The Green Bay Packers are the state’s football team and fans are often called cheese-heads and those that are very dedicated can be seen wearing foam cheese wedges on their head. The state is also known for its bar and cheese culture. 

Wisconsin's Memory Care Home Regulations and Laws

Wisconsin regulates community-based residential facilities (CBRFs) that they must identify the client group that they serve such as people with functional impairment or irreversible dementia. Structured actives and programs must be part of the daily routines of dementia residents. Staff must undergo training within the first 90 days of employment specific to characteristics of dementia residents and their needs. Adult family homes (AFHs) are for functional impairments that often accompany old age and irreversible dementia. To be licensed, the community must list how they will meet the needs of residents and what types of individuals they will accept.

Crime and Safety in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is ranked 11th in overall safety according to 2016’s Safest States to Live In

LocationViolent Crimes Per 1,000 ResidentsProperty Crimes Per 1,000 Residents

Payment Options for Alzheimer's Care Homes in Wisconsin

Medicare, private long-term insurance, and out of pocket payments are the typical payment methods used for dementia care in WI. For CBRFs and AFHs Community Options Program (COP) and COP-waiver funds may be available. The Family Care program provides public funding.The average monthly cost for Memory Care in Wisconsin is about $4,076.

Senior and Elderly Rights for Memory Care in Wisconsin

In WI, patients have the right to be informed about diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis along with alternatives and side effects in a manner they understand. They may also either refuse or consent treatment or taking part of research. The patient’s privacy and confidentiality should be respected. The patient of a memory care community has the right to appoint a surrogate decision maker to make decisions for them if they no longer have the cognitive ability to do so.  

Wisconsin Dementia Care: Medical Record Rules and Regulations

Patients in Wisconsin, or their legal representative, may make a written request to obtain a copy of their medical records. A reasonable fee may be applied to cover costs of copying and postage of the medical records. Once the request has been receive, the records should be provided within a reasonable amount of time.   

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