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I’ve heard about Continuing Care Retirement Communities offering at-home services. How does that work?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Some Continuing Care Retirement Communities, or CCRCs, are launching what are called 'CCRC’s without walls.' There are about 29 such programs in the U.S so far and the trend is growing. Although they are each slightly different, the model of care works like this:

Members still pay an entry fee and a monthly rate, but the monthly rate is fixed so it doesn’t change when the person needs to move from their home to a nursing facility.

Traditionally, an entry fee into a CCRC is about $250,000 or more, with monthly fees ranging from $2,000-$4,000. Without walls, entry fees can range between $20,000 - $70,000 and monthly fees fall between $250 - $800.

You’ll have to explore CCRCs in your area to see if they offer a “without walls” program.