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5 Tips to Get the Best Automotive Discounts - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

5 Tips to Get the Best Automotive Discounts

Let’s face it. Becoming a member of that very exclusive senior citizen’s club is pretty awesome. Discounted meals, movie tickets, and hotels are just a few of the perks that come with being a wise, journeyed member of society. The benefits don’t stop there, however; a few easy steps could save you a pretty penny when it comes to your automotive insurance. Why spend extra money on car insurance when you can put that money towards a new recliner, or a trip to the beach? Here are a few simple tips for driving seniors to get the best automotive discounts.

1. Take a Driving Class

Now hear me out. I know you probably haven’t taken a driving class since JFK was in office, but brushing up on your driving skills can actually lower your auto insurance.  For a low cost (around $20 per class) you can take a handful of classes to lower your insurance rate. As much as we hate to admit it, sometimes we do in fact need to brush up on our driving knowledge, and why not get free money out of it?

2. Drive Less? Pay Less

It might be a good idea to look into a usage-based insurance program where your cost of insurance depends on how often you drive. If you no longer drive on a daily basis, your insurer might lower your premium. Other programs, like Progressive Insurance’s Snapshot program, will reward you for not getting in an accident. Look into these programs for possible automotive discounts for safe drivers.

3. The AARP Automotive Discounts

I’m sure you’ve heard about AARP, or at least been bombarded will pieces of mail from the 50-and-older program. Despite being the biggest senior discount program in the U.S., many still don’t know all the benefits AARP can provide. For only $16 dollars a year for membership, AARP actually saves most members around $400 per year on car insurance. Contact your insurer to see if they provide AARP members an automotive discount.

4. Anti-Theft Discount

Installing an anti-theft device may also get you a discount from some insurance companies. You don’t have to go high-tech to get a discount. Many insurance companies also offer automotive discounts for etching the Vehicle Identification Number onto the windshield. Many insurers will often reward you for taking safety precautions to protect your vehicle.

5. Shop Around

Finally, one of the most important ways you can lower your automotive discounts is to shop around. All insurers provide a senior discount, but that amount may vary. It’s important to use an online price comparison to find out which insurance company is best for you. There’s nothing better than saving money, and a few minutes to look around can save you a pretty penny.

Author: scadmin

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