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5 Ways to Fight Senior Isolation - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

5 Ways to Fight Senior Isolation

Aging can be lonely for many seniors, so it’s important to help your loved one combat senior isolation. According to the U.S. Census Bureau 11 million, or 28% of people aged 65 and older, lived alone in 2010. As people get older, their likelihood of living alone only increases. Many seniors feel like they’re just running out the clock, and will often become depressed and isolated.

Fighting Senior Isolation

It’s up to you to remind them that they’re not alone and show them how much love they deserve. Below are just a few ways to help combat senior isolation.

1. Get Them Out and About

Your senior needs to get out and enjoy the fresh air. If they can still drive, encourage them to perform weekly chores like grocery shopping so they can get out of the house. Another way to get them up and moving is to invite them over for family dinner a few times a month. Not only will you remind them that they’re wanted, you’ll be getting them active.

In one study, discussed by Health Quality Ontario, seniors reported greater well-being regardless of whether the activity was aerobic or lower-impact, like stretching. Encourage your loved one to take walks around the neighborhood so they can enjoy the fresh air. Any type of exercise will surely increase the feeling of isolation.

2. Find Volunteer Work

Many seniors are just flat out bored. Although it’s hard to believe that some people actually miss working, many seniors feel lost without the routine and feeling of accomplishment that a job can provide.

Try to find volunteer work that pairs with their favorite hobbies. Are they an animal lover? Try to find them work at a local shelter. Or, maybe they’d enjoy some hands-on work, like helping out Habitat For Humanity. A volunteer job will give your loved one the satisfaction of helping others while getting them out of the house.

3. Use Tech to Connect

You don’t need to make them the next Steve Jobs, but showing them a few tech tricks will allow them to connect with you and the rest of the family at a moment’s notice. Something as simple as setting them up with an easy-to-use cell phone will allow them the ability to connect with their grandchildren at any time.

If you’re really feeling up to it, you can hook your senior up with a Skype-capable laptop. Not only will your senior be able to call their loved ones, they’ll be able to see their smiling faces as well.

4. Get a Pet

Sometimes all it takes is a furry friend to cure senior isolation. If your senior lives alone, an animal companion can be just what they need to cure those senior blues. Pet therapy is medicinal: it can lower blood pressure and anxiety, boost memory, and contribute to your mood ,and a sense of well-being. A pet can provide comfort and the companionship your loved one may need to help cure senior isolation.

5. Increase Grandchildren Time

If you have grandchildren, it’s important to let them spend time with your senior. Many seniors love to spoil their grandchildren, and letting them spend time with their family can greatly decrease senior isolation.

Including your senior in family dinners or other outings lets them know that they still play an important role in your children’s lives.

Author: scadmin

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