Warning: Declaration of Zend\Form\FormElementManager\FormElementManagerV2Polyfill::setInvokableClass($name, $invokableClass, $shared = NULL) should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::setInvokableClass($name, $class = NULL) in /var/www/html/vendor/zendframework/zend-form/src/FormElementManager/FormElementManagerV2Polyfill.php on line 27
scadmin, Author at The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog
4 Best Pets for Seniors

4 Best Pets for Seniors

Best Pets for Seniors- Who Will be the New Companion? Everyone needs an animal companion every once in a while. What would Shaggy be without Scooby-doo? What would Mickey Mouse be without Pluto? We all need a four, two, or no-legged friends to spend time with. Pets are especially beneficial to elderly adults who many feel depressed or lonely. But not all pets are ideal for seniors. Below, we’ve listed the five best pets for seniors. 5...

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5 Financial Issues to Tackle in Your Later Years

5 Financial Issues to Tackle in Your Later Years

5 Financial Issues to Tackle in Your Later Years Retirement should be a time for the elderly to leave their work boots in the front yard and hang up the hammock in the backyard. It’s supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation – a definitive hiatus from stress and work. Unfortunately, financial issues could bring about a variety of problems that may put a damper on the next stage of life. Don’t let these get in the way of your rest...

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How to Care for Elderly Parents Remotely – Tips and Options

How to Care for Elderly Parents Remotely – Tips and Options

How to Care for Elderly Parents Remotely – Tips and Options As an adult child in charge of your elderly parent, you begin to wonder about the next steps to take to care for your loved one. With the COVID-19 pandemic hitting hard almost a year ago now, many questions pound your head on where and what the best place for your parent is to live as they continue to age. With many things to consider, the pandemic has revolutionized...

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Dementia Communication Strategies and Tips

Dementia Communication Strategies and Tips

For a family member or caregiver in charge of someone with dementia, one will quickly realize the importance of dementia communication strategies. Someone diagnosed with dementia will experience a loss of communication skills as the disease progresses. This is tragic because all human beings rely on communication to express their thoughts and feelings to others. And without it, the dementia patient suffers from confusion, frustration,...

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Caring for Seniors in 2020: Careful Considerations

Caring for Seniors in 2020: Careful Considerations

How can you care for someone well when you aren’t supposed to be around them? This is an issue many people have faced over the last few months due to COVID-19. Older adults who are in the high-risk population are recommended by the CDC to practice as few interactions with others as possible. Senior living facilities that are home to up to hundreds of seniors have taken countless precautions to limit the risk of a resident contracting...

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