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So You Want to Become a Caregiver? - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

So You Want to Become a Caregiver?

There are many joys of caregiving, and that is the reason many people opt to become a caregiver. You get the opportunity to care for a parent or relative that may have cared for you as a child. You also are helping a senior live a high-quality of life and age with dignity. These are all great reasons to become a caregiver.

Before making that choice there are a variety of factors that you should consider. To help out, we’ve listed two major caregiver considerations you should be aware of if you want to become a caregiver.

Considerations to Become a Caregiver

Financial Considerations

The first factor that tends to pop up in the conversation of mom and dad’s retirement options is money. And while being a caregiver isn’t cheap, choosing caregiving over other senior care options will help to save your parent’s money in the long run. Whether you’ve sat down with the family to discuss your decision or not, financial resources must be considered.

When you become a caregiver, the first rule in supporting your parents should be to use their money first. Not only does this protect your finances, but it increases their chances of receiving Medicaid down the road.

Other financial implications you should consider is if your loved need to move to a senior care community. How would you and your senior pay for that expense? During your time caregiving, you will want to help your senior plan for their future. If you don’t know much about eldercare law or estate planning, consider talking to a social working, elder law attorney, or a geriatric care manager.

Lastly, another caregiver tip is to consider all the other expenses that may need to be made as you prepare for caregiving. In most cases, adjustments and updates need to be made to a caregiver’s home as they prepare. There’s a lot more to it than just simply setting up the guest room. Senior Caring has a home safety guide for you to check if your home is truly ready for home care.

Consider Your New Responsibilities

The best way to learn what caring for seniors truly entails is research. Covering everything from adult diapersfalls, and memory care, a quick glance over articles and pages on specific health conditions will give you a better idea of what may lie ahead. Can’t seem to find an answer or more information on a certain topic? Just ask. There’s a caregiving community out there ready to support you!

There’s a lot that goes into caregiving. Know that caring for mom and dad in their retirement will very likely take a physical, mental, and emotional toll on not just you, but the whole family. It is not unusual for family disputes to arise over decisions that need to be made. Prepare for what may come and check out the top reasons why families fight over senior care.

Other common issues among caregivers include burnoutstressimbalance, and guilt. Know your limits and know when to ask for help.

When you become a caregiver, it can be overwhelming. You may feel worried and apprehensive about starting your caregiving duties, but with a little practice and support, you’ll get the hang of it.

Author: scadmin

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