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Benefits of Adult Day Care - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Benefits of Adult Day Care

If you are trying to decide whether or not adult day care is the best option for you, you know it can be a tough choice. As an elderly person considering adult day care, there’s the apprehension of being stuck somewhere all day, and that longing to be able to stay home by yourself and to take care of yourself. You are an adult, after all. Despite the hesitation or doubt that may occur when trying to decide what to do about going to a day center for senior citizens, it’s important to also think about the benefits of adult day care. Below we’ve listed three benefits of adult day care.

Three Benefits of Adult Day Care

benefits of adult day care


1. Companionship

The first and perhaps the most important benefit of going to an adult day care is the companionship factor. If you are a senior who is tired of sitting inside your house all day, watching television, and eating meals alone, then you will appreciate the companionship that adult day care offers. Although a caregiver is also a companion, it is not quite the same as being around people who are at a similar stage in life and can relate to your current joys and frustrations. At adult day care, seniors can interact with each other, reminisce about the “good old days” and confide in one another about their fears, thoughts, and experiences while aging. Also, adult day care breaks the daily routine of feeling isolated. If you are a caregiver, know that it will benefit your senior to get out and about. Plus, it will give you free time to see your friends and family, help to prevent caregiver burnout, and allow you to have more me time.

2. Stay Fit

Getting out and moving around is another major benefit of adult day care. Most of the time there are activities planned throughout the day, such as games, art projects, or exercise. Whether you are taking a walk or sitting and playing a game, such as chess, that requires you to focus, you are being stimulated. This is an experience you may not get when you’re at home alone watching tv or listening to music. Getting physically active or tapping into your creative side can help you to feel young, independent, and give you more energy overall. Moving around during the day, when you are usually still, can make it easier for you when you are doing other things outside of adult day care, like shopping, visiting with your family or going to doctor appointments, because you’ll be in better shape.

3. Independence

Although the thought of going to an adult day care can sound restrictive or give you the impression that you are being watched, it, in fact, can be a source of independence for seniors. Instead of being supervised and cared for by your caregiver all day, every day, going to adult day care can be a place where you go by yourself and experience some independence. The center will most likely become a social experience for you, so it’s much like going to lunch with friends, working out at the gym, or even similar to the routine of going to work every day. Many seniors struggle with depression or lose a sense of purpose after they retire, so having somewhere to be every day can often help with this. Another option to resolve loneliness, outside of adult day care, would be to find a place to volunteer your time.

Now that you know the benefits of adult day care, hopefully, your decision will be slightly easier. Before picking out an adult day care, it’s also important to make a checklist of exactly what you are looking for and your needs that need to be met. If you have any additional tips or thoughts about adult day care, feel free to share with us in the comments below!

Author: scadmin

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