Warning: Declaration of Zend\Form\FormElementManager\FormElementManagerV2Polyfill::setInvokableClass($name, $invokableClass, $shared = NULL) should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::setInvokableClass($name, $class = NULL) in /var/www/html/vendor/zendframework/zend-form/src/FormElementManager/FormElementManagerV2Polyfill.php on line 27
Bathing & Hygiene Archives - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog
Top 10 Senior Hygiene Products

Top 10 Senior Hygiene Products

As they grow older, senior citizens need more assistance with activities of daily living, including personal hygiene. It can be tough to maintain proper hygiene as we age, but luckily there are numerous senior hygiene products out there to help your loved one.  Seniors may not be able to reach as far as they used, so they may need devices that extend in order to reach certain parts of their body. Here are some very useful senior...

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Oral Hygiene For Seniors

Oral Hygiene For Seniors

As we grow older, issues with our teeth and gums can become more prevalent as time goes on. In fact, bout 75 percent of people ages 60+ have only some of their natural teeth and nearly 23 percent of adults ages 65-74 have severe gum disease. There are more information and tools to help oral hygiene for seniors than ever before, so it’s important to do whatever you can to keep your teeth or dentures in the best shape possible. When...

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Senior Hair Care: Avoiding a Hairy Situation

Senior Hair Care: Avoiding a Hairy Situation

As we age, taking care of the hygiene of our loved one or ourselves can become more and more difficult. With bathing, brushing teeth, and maintaining clean clothes, it can be hard to keep up with personal maintenance. One of the most overlooked pieces of hygiene is maintaining our hair. As the aging process continues, our hair can often become brittle, greasy, and in many cases fall out. However, there are a few ways that you can...

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Talking About Senior Hygiene

Talking About Senior Hygiene

As your loved one is growing older, they may need some assistance when it comes to their own cleanliness. Senior hygiene responsibilities become more than just mindless everyday tasks and require much more effort. They may not want to ask for help, but remember that they just might need you. Talking about senior hygiene can be a difficult conversation for your loved one, so remember these tips when it’s time to have the talk. 5 Tips...

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5 Grooming Tips For Seniors

5 Grooming Tips For Seniors

Senior hygiene is an important issue that many caregivers will face while taking care of a senior. However, while many assume that grooming just means getting your loved one to take a shower on a regular basis, it’s actually much more than that. When we talk about the concept of grooming, we’re talking about the overall steps needed to make sure your loved one is in a presentable state. They don’t need to be in formal attire at all...

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