Warning: Declaration of Zend\Form\FormElementManager\FormElementManagerV2Polyfill::setInvokableClass($name, $invokableClass, $shared = NULL) should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::setInvokableClass($name, $class = NULL) in /var/www/html/vendor/zendframework/zend-form/src/FormElementManager/FormElementManagerV2Polyfill.php on line 27
Caregiver Support Archives - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog
Paid Leave As a Caregiver

Paid Leave As a Caregiver

Life can throw us some unexpected curveballs, and one of the biggest obstacles you might have to face is becoming a caregiver for your loved one. Whether it’s from an illness, accident, or simply old age, you might be pressed into the line of duty as a caregiver. However, it’s not likely that you can quit your job and take care of your senior full-time, and that’s where paid leave comes in. Paid leave as a caregiver will give you the...

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Caregiver Home Safety | Tips and Considerations

Caregiver Home Safety | Tips and Considerations

When it comes to home safety for seniors there are many things to consider on a daily basis. For those who still live independently, making sure that all the proper safety precautions are met is one thing, but ensuring proper caregiver home safety practices is another. Whether someone is hired to care for a loved one or that role has fallen to you, there are specific considerations that can help things run smoothly. With in-home care...

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Caregiver Burnout Help: You Are Not Alone

Caregiver Burnout Help: You Are Not Alone

What is Caregiver Burnout? Burnout (n.)- exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration. No matter the profession or how skilled they may be, just about anyone can suffer from burnout. Because the job of a caregiver is no easy task, caregiver burnout is more common than you may think. To have the sole responsibility for the well-being of an aging, often fragile and...

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Long-Distance Caregiving: The Basics

Long-Distance Caregiving: The Basics

Long-distance caregiving might at first seem like an oxymoron, but it’s actually an issue many families struggle with. If you’re a caregiver living over an hour away from your loved one, finding time to make the commute to provide care can be arduous. Understanding the options available to those involved with long-distance caregiving can make the whole process easier for families. To start, there are multiple situations...

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10 Gifts For Caregivers

10 Gifts For Caregivers

As the holidays rapidly approach, you might want to add you or your senior’s caregivers to the holiday shopping list. Caregivers most likely spend a significant amount of time with your loved one, so make sure to thank them for all the hard work they’re doing. But what do you get them? Luckily, Senior Caring has a pretty good idea about some of the things on their wish list. Here are just a few of our suggestions for gifts for...

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