Warning: Declaration of Zend\Form\FormElementManager\FormElementManagerV2Polyfill::setInvokableClass($name, $invokableClass, $shared = NULL) should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::setInvokableClass($name, $class = NULL) in /var/www/html/vendor/zendframework/zend-form/src/FormElementManager/FormElementManagerV2Polyfill.php on line 27
Fraud & Scams Archives - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog
Dangerous Scams Targeting Seniors in 2018

Dangerous Scams Targeting Seniors in 2018

Each year, millions of Americans fall victim to fraud and scams. Unfortunately, the elderly population is even more prone to this. As terrible as it sounds, seniors get scammed out of $36 billion each year on average. What’s worse, stolen money is unlikely to ever be recovered. So, seniors should know what to look out for. Keep reading to find out why fraudsters prey on the elderly, as well as some popular scams targeting...

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Charities to Avoid

Charities to Avoid

Sad puppy eyes are staring out at you from your television screen, begging for help. An emotional song is playing in the background, and the commercial is tugging at your heart strings. A phone number is flashing on the screen, prompting you to call and make a donation right away that could save the poor dogs. You want to pick up the phone and give some money to the organization, but you hesitate. How do you know which charities to...

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Senior Scams Resources

Senior Scams Resources

We’ve all heard the horror stories. A friend of a friend had a distant relative who was swindled out of thousands of dollars by an Internet scammer. Thousands of seniors every year are victims of fraud or scam, and new types of con artists are popping up every year. Luckily, there are a few resources that are out there that will help you prevent these issues. Below are a few keys resources that should help you or your loved one battle...

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Senior Internet Safety | The Basics

Senior Internet Safety | The Basics

Although it’s easy to get turned off from browsing the internet, it is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools out there. You can access entire libraries of books, essentially every piece of music ever recorded, buy almost anything, and of course view an endless supply of adorable animal videos. Yet, such amazing access has its inherent dangers and for those less tech-savvy individuals, senior internet safety is a key priority in...

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Protect Yourself From Elder Financial Abuse

Protect Yourself From Elder Financial Abuse

It’s terrible to think that there are people out there working hard to scam seniors out of their hard-earned money. They’ve often spent a lifetime saving up for this money. But the fact is, these con artists exist and seniors make an ideal target for financial abuse. Just take a look in your local newspaper and you’ll see horror stories of unsuspecting seniors being scammed. It’s time to fight back. Learn why seniors...

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