Warning: Declaration of Zend\Form\FormElementManager\FormElementManagerV2Polyfill::setInvokableClass($name, $invokableClass, $shared = NULL) should be compatible with Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::setInvokableClass($name, $class = NULL) in /var/www/html/vendor/zendframework/zend-form/src/FormElementManager/FormElementManagerV2Polyfill.php on line 27
Managing Medical Care Archives - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog
How to Care for Elderly Parents Remotely – Tips and Options

How to Care for Elderly Parents Remotely – Tips and Options

How to Care for Elderly Parents Remotely – Tips and Options As an adult child in charge of your elderly parent, you begin to wonder about the next steps to take to care for your loved one. With the COVID-19 pandemic hitting hard almost a year ago now, many questions pound your head on where and what the best place for your parent is to live as they continue to age. With many things to consider, the pandemic has revolutionized...

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Issues for Seniors: Asbestos and Mesothelioma

Issues for Seniors: Asbestos and Mesothelioma

Did you know that an estimated 10,000 people in the United States pass away from asbestos-related illnesses every year? For decades, the naturally occurring mineral was revered for its heat resistance, strength, versatility and insulating properties. Because it was added to a variety of products in the home and at workplaces, millions of people were exposed to the deadly substance. Years later, the lethal nature of asbestos came to...

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The Sound of Medicine: Music Therapy and Dementia

The Sound of Medicine: Music Therapy and Dementia

When many people think back to the days of their youth, they recall times of friends, romances, and the excitement of making their way in the world. No matter your age, culture, religion, or sex, few things are as unifying and accessible as music. Since the earliest of human civilizations, people have recorded their stories and ideas through songs and musical compositions. Now in 2016, the world is still passionate about music in...

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Seniors Drive Medical Wearable Technology Market

Seniors Drive Medical Wearable Technology Market

The medical wearable technology market is positioned to increase from $2.73 billion in 2014 to $10.7 billion by 2023. We’ll have to thank seniors for the expected 16 percent growth rate because they are going to be spending more money on various medical technologies to manage and monitor chronic conditions. There are currently about 46.2 million older adults aged 65 and older in the United States. This is about 14.5 percent of the...

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Breathe Easy: Living Your Life With Asthma

Breathe Easy: Living Your Life With Asthma

The key to living with asthma is to learn how to adequately control it. Depending on the severity of your asthma, learning how to control it can be a long and stressful process, but once you learn how to control your asthma, you can live a healthy and enjoyable life! While there is no cure for asthma, there are many options for ways to control it. If you think you have asthma, check out your symptoms with these asthma symptoms, or if...

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