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Causes of Elder Abuse and How it Can Be Prevented - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Causes of Elder Abuse and How it Can Be Prevented

When you think of seniors, you may picture your elderly parents, your grandparents, maybe a sweet next-door neighbor. It’s hard to imagine anything harmful happening to them, which is why the idea of abuse among the older generation is almost unthinkable. But elder abuse is real, and understanding why it happens can help with its prevention.

Why Does Elder Abuse Happen?

There is no definite answer to why elder abuse, or any abuse for that matter, occurs. Knowing the signs and types of abuse that can befall seniors can prepare caregivers and their seniors for finding an answer and seek therapy if needed. Issues within the family, issues within a nursing home, or caregiver stress can all play into why abuse against seniors happens.

Within the Family

You wouldn’t think it could happen, but elder abuse can be a common occurrence within a family care system. Taking in an elderly parent or family member can be overwhelming for first-time caregivers. The stress of the situation can bring out feelings of regret, anger, frustration, and apathy. While there is no excuse, these feelings can often lead to elder abuse as on outlet for not coping with their own emotions over the change.

In the Nursing Home

Elder abuse within a senior’s nursing home can be even more difficult to potentially limited visits from family members and friends. Abuse within a nursing home can be due to a number of triggers. Both employees and other residents are capable of abuse toward other seniors in the home. Reasons behind elder abuse in a nursing home can include understaffing and overworked employees, hostile environments, and lack of experience or qualification.

Caregiver Workload

Caregiver burnout is another possible reason behind elder abuse. Taking on the role of a caregiver can be daunting, especially if it is for the first time. Personal problems, inexperience, emotional stress, and even monetary problems can cause a caregiver to lash out at those they take care of.

How to Prevent Elder Abuse

No matter what age, no human being should suffer abuse at the hand of those who are supposed to care for them. Knowing ways to help prevent or stop elder abuse is crucial to their quality of life.

Stay Educated

Read and share articles with friends and online about detecting the signs of elder abuse. Nearly 60% of abuse cases occur because of a family member. Reach out to organizations like the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) or the Elder Justice Coalition (EJC) to find help and justice for those who have suffered from elder abuse.

Respite Care

Find several caregivers that can work on a rotation schedule to care for seniors. Varied shifts can provide breaks that relieve heavy amounts of stress from one single caregiver. This also provides a change of pace for seniors who may feel isolated with one person caring for them every single day.

Therapy and Counseling Services

Therapy can offer an outlet for victims of abuse to share their stories and let go of emotional weight they carry around. It also gives seniors the chance to connect with other victims the same age and relate to their experiences, helping them cope and move on.



Author: scadmin

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