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Celebrate Healthy Aging Month In Style - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Celebrate Healthy Aging Month In Style

September marks healthy aging month, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be celebrating it as best as you can! As we grow older, it might seem like the only thing we have to look forward to are the discounts and the yearly birthday cake, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Luckily, an event like health aging month is designed to promote a more active lifestyle so you can maintain proper mental and physical health as you enjoy your latter years. It’s time to think more positive about growing older, and what better time to start than healthy aging month? Aging is an inevitable part of life, so it goes without saying that the more cheerfully we can embrace the process, the easier life will be — for ourselves as well as our family members. Below are just a few ways you can celebrate healthy aging month in style.

Ways to Celebrate Healthy Aging Month

Get Moving

There’s no better time to start moving than the present! With summer nearing an end, the weather will be perfect for those looking to enjoy the outdoors without having to deal with the heat and humidity. Daily exercise can help deter a variety of health issues and it’s known to make you feel better mentally as well. Plus, those who engage in physical activity on a regular basis are 60% less likely to have dementia. Grab a family member or friend to walk with. Not only will you be getting exercise, you’ll have a companion to catch up with.

healthy aging and living

Get Your Annual Health Screenings

Let’s get this part over. Do you need an annual physical? Not all doctors agree on this anymore. However, you at least need to have a benchmark for your health so if you have not had an annual physical in a while, perhaps this month is the time to do it. It’s better to check things out and try to prevent disease and illness before problems escalate. If you have raised a family, you have scheduled visits to the doctor for everyone along the way. So, it’s time you scheduled your own!

Many women, however, put themselves on the back burner when it comes to health and skip doing necessary screenings. Whether it’s a colonoscopy or a mammogram, it’s important that you’re staying up to date on the necessary screenings. Just like your car, your body needs a tune-up every once in a while, so make sure to talk with your doctor so you can have the proper tests and diagnostics done so you can remain in the best shape possible.

Keep The Positive, Cut Out the Negative

As we grow older, it can be easy for our outlook on life to grow a little dim, which is why healthy aging month is a great time to get rid of those negative thoughts and start promoting positivity. Be positive in your conversations and your actions every day. When you catch yourself complaining, change the conversation to something positive.  It’s easy to get caught up in the turmoil going on in the news, but start focusing on the things you can control and the people around you. Learning to worry about helping those close to you is a great way to promote positivity. On the contrary, don’t hesitate to cut negative people out of your life to ensure that you’re remaining positive. As cruel as that may sound, distance yourself from people who do not have a positive outlook on life. They will only depress you and stop you from moving forward. Surround yourself with energetic, happy, positive people of all ages and you will be happier too. Use healthy aging month keep the positive and cut out the negative!

Author: scadmin

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