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Conversation Starters: 8 Questions to Ask Your Senior - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Conversation Starters: 8 Questions to Ask Your Senior

Whether you’ve been close throughout the years, or you’re just beginning to rekindle your familial relationship, it can be tough to start conversations with your aging loved one. You might not have seen eye-to-eye in the past, or you might feel like the two of you have nothing in common. Either way, it’s still important to make an effort when taking care of your loved one. They can often feel isolated or lonely as they age, so try to make sure you’re really trying to strike up a conversation with them. While there are truly an infinite number of subjects to talk about, here are a few conversation starters that will help to strike up a conversation and hopefully tighten the bond between you and your loved one.

8 Conversation Starters To Ask Your Senior

In What Ways are We Similar?

This is always an interesting subject to bring up. Whether you believe it or not you and your senior probably share many similar traits. This could be a great conversation starter that will allow both of you to realize how much you have in common with one another.

What World Events Impacted You the Most?

Your senior has lived through a ton of major events during his or her lifetime. What better way to learn about history then to actually connect with someone who lived through it? Ask about former presidents, and if they remember where they were during certain events.

Who Were Your Role Models Growing Up?

It’s always interesting to learn what your senior aspired to be when they were younger. Asking about their childhood idols or role models are great conversation starters that will allow your loved one to reminisce about the past.

Do You Remember the Day I Was Born?

Arguably the happiest day of a parents’ life, asking about your birth is a great way to turn back time for your senior. Do they remember where they were? Did they have a name picked out already? This is a great topic to bring up so you can both think about the special bond a parent and child shares.

How Did You and Mom/Dad First Meet?

Although you might have heard it a hundred times, recounting the connection your parents made will always be a great subject to bring up. Without Tinder or other dating apps, how did people actually talk to each other? These conversation starters should bring up fond memories and give you a sense of what it was like dating in their generation.

Who Were Your Friends Growing Up?

This is not only a great conversation starter, but it could also be the clues you need to track down your senior’s childhood friends. Perhaps a few of them are still in the area. A story about childhood could turn into a reunion of friends that might have been out of touch for decades.

What Do You Think of All Technology?

Perhaps your loved one sees the rapid advancement of technology as a nuisance, and would prefer things to be “like they used to be.” Or, it’s possible they’ve embraced the new gadgets and apps. Ask them what it was like getting their first TV or other pieces of technology. While technology often keeps us separated, use this conversation start to grow closer.

What Sports/Activities Were You Involved in as a Teen?

This is a great way to learn about you senior’s childhood. If they have photos, get them to show you what they were like in their physical prime. Many seniors love recounting their favorite sports moments or characters from their high school musical. This is a great way to bond over activities and make connections through their teenage activities.

Author: scadmin

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