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5 Tips to Prevent Falls at Home - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

5 Tips to Prevent Falls at Home

Whether living at home or not, you likely worry about falls either for yourself or your loved one. In 2012, over 2.4 million people over the age of 65 were treated for fall-related injuries. However, through careful planning, there are ways that you can help prevent falls at home. Of course, no prevention method is foolproof but by taking these precautions you may be able to feel safer moving around in your home.

Prevent Falls at Home

5 Ways to Prevent Falls at Home

1. Keep Your Home Clean

One of the most common reasons for senior falls is tripping over everyday household objects. Regardless of whether or not you consider yourself a cautious individual, the risk of falling is far greater with various tripping hazards in your walking space. By clearing up some of the clutter that can quickly accumulate you will have more space to move around freely. Having more space to move is a great way to prevent falls at home.

2. Add Handrails

This tip is certainly more cost and labor intensive than the first tip, but there is a reason that hand rails are so widely used. If you give yourself more options for supporting yourself when moving around your home, you are far less likely to fall. These handrails can be especially useful in areas where you often find yourself sitting down and standing up, like the restroom. Falls often occur when someone is attempting to shift from one position to another so the added support can go a long way.

3. Wear Shoes

It is easy to understand the desire to go barefoot or wear socks in your home. Who doesn’t want to kick off their shoes when sitting watching TV or reading a good book? However, shoes that provide a good deal of traction make slipping substantially less likely to occur. For seniors concerned with falling, any method for avoiding slipping can be a great way to prevent falls at home. While you may not be running a marathon, lacing up your sneakers when you know you will be moving around the house for a bit will surely keep you safer at home.

4. Improve Lighting

The Mayo Clinic recognizes good lighting as one of the best ways to prevent falls at home. While most falls happen when seniors slip or trip, many of these falls are related to an inability to see potential hazards. If you are able to find areas to place lights in your home that strategically brighten your space, it will become far easier to recognize any tripping hazards before you come in contact with them. If you do not want to have lamps all over your home, consider consulting with an electrician to see how much it would cost to have new lights installed. This can also be another great way to keep your home clutter free!

5. Excercise

Always be sure to see you doctor before engaging in any physical activity to ensure that it is safe for you. However, with a doctor’s approval, exercise is a great way to improve your mobility and strength. By building upon both mobility and strength, you will likely feel more comfortable completing everyday activities and moving around your home. Plus, exercise is a great way to improve your overall health!


The prospect of falling can be scary especially in your own home. In order to best protect yourself and your loved ones, you should consider different ways to prevent falls at home as soon as you begin to fear that you may not be as mobile as you once were. This said, by following the tips above, you can begin to make your home more safe as you age. If you need help with any of the above suggestions, a family member or handyman can likely complete the various projects that you may require. What other ways can seniors prevent falls at home?

Author: scadmin

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