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Senior Rehabilitation Centers: What to Expect - Senior Caring

Senior Rehabilitation Centers: What to Expect

For seniors recovering from a recent surgery or illness, doctors will often recommend a stay at one of many senior rehabilitation centers around the country. Generally referred to as inpatient facilities, these centers provide seniors with everything they could need to make a full recovery. Though, many seniors and their families are unsure exactly what to expect at these centers, so we’ll break it down to basics.

Consider this the “day in the life of” when it comes to senior rehabilitation centers!

Whether someone’s stay is set to last a few days or even a few months, staff work hard to promote optimal senior therapies in a wide range of ways.  Including any mix of physical therapy, speech-language pathology, respiratory therapy, occupational therapy, and other specialized medical treatments. The goal is to work toward a senior regaining their independence and living in good health once again.


Through a variety of therapy options, seniors can regain their independence.

Although the staff is highly trained in what they do, staying in senior rehabilitation centers requires individuals to practice dedication to making their therapy effective. Since the goal is a temporary stay with recovery as the focus, these centers may not be the first option when compared to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) which may accommodate longer admissions.

The Daily Routine

Mornings consist of staff members completing their rounds, visiting those who need assistance with getting up and ready for they day. This means help with bathing, dressing, grooming, and other personal care tasks. Next, it’s off to breakfast to fuel up for the scheduled therapy sessions specific to each patient. Mainly it’s physical therapy and other activities designed to address someone’s particular recovery plan.

Depending on the needs of a patient, each session will vary in the nature of the activity and its intensity but will remain consistent from one day to the next.

senior rehabilitation centers

Lunch is a great time to socialize and recover for the rest of the day’s activities.

Following the first round of therapy sessions, patients will break for lunch and have time to recuperate and socialize. Many times a dietician will be on staff to help with nutrition and making sure everyone’s dietary restrictions are accommodated. This is usually followed by more therapy sessions focused on other areas vital to recovery.

Evenings are a time for relaxing and visiting with family members, as well as other low-key activities to promote mental stimulation and engagement. Residents are encouraged to move about the facility as they please and spend this time however they’d like after a long day of therapy sessions and progress.

Why Senior Rehabilitation Centers?

Spending time in an inpatient facility can be vital to a full recovery and to regaining one’s independence following the stay. Although some may consider physical therapy and other rehabilitative services “just something to try,” this is by far the best way to avoid more trips to the hospital than are necessary. Additionally, senior rehabilitation centers don’t always staff professionals trained to handle things like drug addiction or alcoholism, so finding the right facility to address specific health conditions is critical.

Although other options like home care can provide similar services and therapy professionals to assist you, spending time in a brick and mortar facility will help to keep to keep a strict recovery schedule. Before you know it, you’ll be back up to speed and living a more independent and healthier life than ever!

Author: scadmin

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