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Caregiving 101: 5 Skills Every Caregiver Should Have - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Caregiving 101: 5 Skills Every Caregiver Should Have

Caregivers are the foundation of elder care. However, the job of a caregiver can be stressful and emotional, especially if you are the primary caregiver to a loved one. If you are new to caregiving, the transition can be difficult. Despite this, whether you are a new caregiver or looking for a caregiver, there are various skills that a caregiver should develop in order to be the best that s/he can be. Here at SeniorCaring we have provided you with our top 5 skills every caregiver should have in order to be successful.

Top 5 Skills Every Caregiver Should Have:

1. Verbal and Communication Skills

As a caregiver, your job will consist of closely working with an elder. Your tasks can include spending time with them, assisting them in conducting his/her daily activities, accompanying them to medical visits, as well as helping them manage their medication intake. Verbal and communication skills are vital to the role of a caregiver. Being able to effectively communicate with professionals as well as your elder and his/her family members is one of the most important aspects of the job. Because you will be interacting with various kinds of people, it is important that you are able to alter your mannerisms to the appropriate context. Both verbal and communication skills are important skills every caregiver should have.

2. Time Managementskills every caregiver should have

Providing your elder with a routine schedule is one of the main aspects of helping him/her maintain balance and stability. Having great time management skills will assist you in your day-to-day activities. When working under limited supervision, time management skills will come in handy in a job where you are independently working to provide support and assistance to an elder.

3. Attention to Detail

As a caregiver, one of your tasks will consist of helping your elder manage his/her medication intake. Being able to observe your elder’s daily habits will help you identify when something out of the order occurs. Having a strong sense of awareness and attention to detail will help you easily recognize when something out of the ordinary happens to your elder. Being able to report changes and identify strange behavior within your elder is an integral part of ensuring his/her wellbeing.

4. Patience and Commitment

Similar to working with anyone, working with an elder requires patience and commitment. When helping an elder maintain a daily routine, doing the same things every day might be monotonous. Therefore, patience and a strong sense of commitment are important to the job of a caregiver. Demonstrating these skills will help your elders see your compassion and caring personality – both important components of what it means to be a caregiver. Patience and commitment are important skills that every caregiver should have.

5. Problem Solving Skills

skills every caregiver should have

The ability to follow rules and guidelines are important to the job of a caregiver. However, when everything does not go according to plan, problem-solving skills are crucial to ensuring your elder’s well-being. When you are working independently, it is your responsibility to be able to fix a situation that does not go according to plan. Possessing strong problem-solving skills will help you make quick decisions about situations that arise without causing panic and worry within your elder and his/her family. Being able to stay calm during a problem as well as solve the solution is a skill that every caregiver should possess.

Author: scadmin

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