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8 Work From Home Jobs For Caregivers - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

8 Work From Home Jobs For Caregivers

The transition from family member to caregiver can be a difficult one. Balancing work, family, and caregiving for your loved one can put not just a mental burden on yourself, but a financial one as well. Many caregivers will opt to quit their current jobs to find a more flexible, home-based career. Almost 4 million employees work from home, so it’s no surprise that many caregivers are looking towards these jobs to provide a steady income. Below are just a few career options you might want to think about.

8 Work From Home Jobs For Caregivers

1. Freelance

One of the easiest and most flexible jobs that you can do from home is freelancing. While most assume the term freelancing only pertains to writing, there are actually a variety of different skills that can work with freelancing. One of the highest paid telecommuting careers is a freelance programmer. Other careers include freelance artist, journalist, and tax-preparer.

2. Customer Service Representative

Another great home-based job for caregivers is a customer service representative. You can apply to work as a remote customer service representative for a variety of companies. This will allow you to take care of your loved one at home while still making a steady income.

3. Online Tutors

Growing in popularity, becoming an online tutor is a great way for those with teaching experience to help students online while still helping out at home. This is a great way to work from home while still making a quality income. Discover the area you specialize in and tutor students from all across the country.

4. Data Entry

Freelance data entry jobs can include positions in billing, bookkeeping, payroll, and other administrative roles that can give you options for completing data entry-related tasks from home. This ability to work from home will allow you to give your loved one the proper care they deserve while you still make a solid income.

5. Translator

Are you proficient in a foreign language? There are tons of companies looking for translators to translate text into other languages. Those four years of German classes might finally come in handy as you decide to embark on a new career path. Not to mention, your senior will appreciate the extra time you have to spend with them.

6. Online Shop Owner

Many crafty caregivers are opening up their own online stores to sell artwork, crafts and, other products. Sites like Etsy have created an entire job market for those looking to work from home while still taking on the role of caregiver. These sites typically do charge users a small fee to set up shop and post their products, or may take a percentage of a product’s eventual selling price. However, the quality time you’ll spend with your loved one is priceless.

7. Editing

Those with writing experience might opt to try their hand at editing content for other publications. This type of gig will give you the proper flexibility and income necessary to work from home while caregiving for your loved one. Make sure to explore a variety of options when it comes to editing so you can supplement your income properly.

8. Record Audiobooks

Recording audiobooks is a rapidly growing career that many are taking advantage of. With a few pieces of audio equipment and a smooth reading voice, recording audiobooks can actually be a pretty lucrative gig. You’ll be able to work from home while still taking care of your loved one and earning a steady wage. Sites like Audible will allow you to get started right away so you can make money on your own time.

One more thing to consider is that many of these careers will not be taxed right away; so make sure to keep your finances together so you can file correctly at the end of the season.

Author: scadmin

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