Skilled Nursing Homes in Maryland

For seniors seeking an extended care option, finding a nursing home in Maryland can be the solution. Out of the 228 different locations to choose from, Maryland nursing homes provide 3 main levels of care:

Level 1 (Low)

This care best suits residents needing minimal assistance with daily tasks such as getting to doctor’s appointments, remembering to take medication, and performing everyday activities like bathing and dressing. Simple medical treatments are offered as well as social and recreational engagement opportunities.

Level 2 (Moderate)

This care is tailored to residents needing all of the services mentioned above to a more substantial degree. Level 2 most resembles the usual definition of a nursing home as opposed to Level 1 more closely providing services associated with assisted living homes.

Level 3 (High)

Care at this level denotes an extensive and frequent need for skilled nursing services and assistance with daily tasks and activities. Residents in Level 3 homes are able to receive the needed medical treatments and are ensured transportation to and from physician or clinic visits.


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Skilled Nursing Care in Maryland – Cost Comparison

City Monthly Minimum Monthly Maximum Monthly Median
Baltimore $6,695 $10,190 $8,730
Bethesda $7,150 $9,735 $8,095
Cumberland $6,540 $9,005 $6,875
Hagerstown $6,600 $9,490 $8,425
Salisbury $6,145 $7,300 $6,390
Towson $6,695 $10,190 $8,730

Like most states, nursing home care in Maryland is very expensive for the average family. Median annual costs for a private room amount to around $110,230 with semi-private quarters billed at $101,379. Respectively, that comes to $302 and $278 a day, so shop around until you find a nursing home that best fits your financial plan.

For more information on nursing home care costs in Maryland, read Genworth’s 2015 Cost of Care Survey – Maryland.

Recreation & Attractions in Maryland

For its size, Maryland offers a large variety of recreation opportunities and cultural attractions. Take a trip to Antietam National Battlefield to visit one of the bloodiest sites of the Civil War. The Visitors Center offers films and exhibits about the battle and related history. Visitors can walk, bike, or drive through the battlefield.

Baltimore Inner Harbor is a tourist favorite. There are many attractions and entertainment venues right by the water. There are parks, hotels, restaurants, museums, shopping, and more. Also located in Inner Harbor is the National Aquarium.

A visit to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge is 26,000 acres of marsh, forest, and ponds. This is the perfect place for birdwatchers since a large number of migratory birds live and visit the area. There are numerous walking trails that will allow you view all the wildlife the refuge has to offer.

Maryland’s Climate, Geography, & Culture

Maryland is the perfect mix of northern and southern American cultures. Maryland is known for their seaside and agricultural developments. In 2007, rated Maryland as the 5th greenest state in the United States. The state is home to many natural parks and the state works to preserve these areas.

Maryland’s climate varies due to elevation changes and also water proximity in different places in the state. Maryland gets between 35 and 45 inches of rain annually, and up to 100 inches of snow per year in some parts of the state. You can expect average winter temperatures in the lower 40-degree range and summer daily highs in the upper 80-degree range.

Maryland’s Skilled Nursing Care Regulations & Laws

Nursing homes in Maryland are managed under the Office of Health Care Quality under Maryland’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Each nursing home is subject to a yearly inspection with agents making sure that the nursing homes are giving residents quality care. According to Maryland’s Resident’s Rights and Service Law, nursing homes are required to “provide care for residents in a manner and an environment that maintains or enhances each resident’s dignity and respect, in full recognition of the resident’s individuality.” If residents feel their rights have been violated, the Maryland Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is there to investigate complaints, as well as advocate for residents.

Crime & Safety in Maryland

According to the Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention’s website, violent crimes, property crimes, and other offenses have remained at the lowest rates ever reported in the state of Maryland. Of course, this isn’t to say that everywhere in the state is equally as safe, however, it can be reassuring to know that things are changing for the better when trying to find a suitable location for extended nursing care in Maryland. Check out some of these safe cities if you’re not sure where to start your search.

LocationViolent Crimes Per 1,000 ResidentsProperty Crimes Per 1,000 Residents


Payment Options for Maryland Skilled Nursing Care

Nursing home care in Maryland is a major investment for many families and can be difficult to cover with personal resources. Luckily federal and state joint funded programs like Medicare and Medicaid can provide coverage based on individual eligibility. The different levels of nursing home care in Maryland all have various eligibility requirements. Another option you have is long-term care insurance plans. These are typically less expensive the earlier they are purchased in life.

Senior & Elderly Rights for Nursing Home Care in Maryland

Nursing homes in Maryland don’t have the power to take away your citizenship or any other right afforded by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Seniors should be treated with dignity and their privacy protected, always being free to express themselves and manage their own affairs. If it is suspected that any of these rights are being infringed, contact a legal advisor familiar with senior law. 

Maryland Nursing Homes: Medical Record Rules & Regulations

As a resident in Maryland you have the right to obtain and review your personal medical records. Federal and state laws maintain the privacy of these records, requiring hospitals and physicians to keep them for a period of 7 years. To receive your records, a formal request is submitted and must be acknowledged within 30 days. For more official details, check out Maryland Attorney General’s website.

Finding the perfect senior care community is only part of making your loved one’s senior living transition smooth. At SeniorCaring, we know that it is also equally important to be aware of what other community services and resources are available to your family’s senior. Choose your location and find local resources for your senior.