Skincare Secrets for Seniors

Mar 28, 2016

Skincare Secrets for Seniors

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The skin is the largest organ of our body, which is why a little TLC and pampering is in order, especially as we age. With time, skin starts to lose elasticity and vibrance, often resulting in unfavorable fine lines, dryness and dark spots. However, this is no reason to fret—Especially with all the recent advances in skincare and dermatology.

Six Secrets of Senior Skincare has consolidated some tips and tricks for you to ensure that your skin stays looking and feeling its best.

  1. Stop smoking: This should be a no-brainer, but sometimes old habits are hard to kick. Smoking has been linked to skin appearing dry and dull, in addition to causing more refined fine lines and wrinkles.
  2. Stay out of the sun: While the sun provides us with Vitamin D, it also causes premature dark spots, some of which can develop into skin cancer. With age, our skin cannot combat UV rays like it once did, so lather up on the SPF on days you’re in the sunshine! Also be sure to wear sunglasses, especially considering that squinting causes excessive wrinkles around the eyes.
  3. Start taking vitamins: Beauty starts from within. While there may be a handful of daily medications taken for various conditions, be sure to invest in a pretty pill, if you will, such as biotin, B vitamins (especially B12), zinc, vitamin E, and fish oil. Many of these supplements are sold as one super pill, so there are a variety of options for those who want to keep their hair, skin, and nails strong.
  4. Soothe dry skin: Avoid harsh soaps, and perhaps avoid scented scrubs and lotions. Dyes and perfumes used in these can cause the skin to become cracked and irritated. Also, be sure to invest in a good skin cream rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, aloe, cucumber extract, and other natural antioxidants.
  5. Stay hydrated: Water is crucial to survival, but staying hydrated does more for our bodies than make us feel good. Hydrated skin is healthy, glowing skin. If it’s difficult to stay hydrated, opt for other options. Invest in a cute water bottle, or start drinking coconut water for some hydrating flavor.
  6. Sleep on your back: Studies suggest that those who sleep with their face on the pillow develop more wrinkles than those who sleep on their back, which makes sense when it’s taken into consideration the odd positions our face can take on when pressed up against a pillow or mattress.

In addition to the Six S’s of skincare, be sure to eat foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Some super foods to work into a diet include green vegetables, melons, berries, walnuts, salmon, and avocados. Not to mention, super foods like avocado, which are great when consumed as food but can also double as a moisturizing face mask.

It is also of vital importance to have a frequent dermatologist as we age to check for skin cancer and provide cosmetic procedures if desired.

Some Treatments a Dermatologist Can Provide Include:

  • Injections of Botox or Dysport - these treatments can ease wrinkles in the upper third of your face.
  • Chemical peels - these treatments can remove fine lines and smooth skin, especially around the eyes and mouth.
  • Wrinkle fillers - these treatments can plump up your skin and erase lines.
  • Microdermabrasion - these treatments erase ultrafine lines, rejuvenates your complexion, and improve skin tone and color.
  • Laser resurfacing - these treatments can improve sun-damaged skin, scars, wrinkles, and other facial problems.

Whether taking a health or cosmetic approach to skin care, there is no reason to think beautiful skin is only found among the youthful. Follow the six S’s of skincare, eat a well-balanced diet, and visit the dermatologist, and surely, everyone will be envious of that glowing complexion.

Skincare Secrets for Seniors
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