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I had to move my father into a nursing home, and now I feel like I don’t get to spend as much time with him since it’s a 40-minute drive from my home. What are some ways I can make sure he still feels
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Moving to a nursing home is a big change for your father and for your family. It definitely interrupts the routines that you’re used to. Whereas before you might have just stopped by his house when you were in the area, or you were taking care of him often, now that you have to go out of your way it’s harder to find time to see him. Be sure to call and check in, write him letters, and maybe even connect on social media, if he’s able to use a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Also, try scheduling time to go see him at different times, so it breaks up the visits and he doesn’t have time to feel lonely.