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What treatments are available for hip fractures?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

When seeking treatment for a broken hip, your doctor is likely to consider your age and physical condition before making a treatment plan. Most of the time, older people who may have additional medication issues will be provided with treatment plans based on factors such as:

  • Medications prescribed to you
  • Past surgeries to repair or replace a hip
  • Experience with physical therapy

Depending on the type of fracture you’ve suffered, the surgical solution will vary. Usually, a series of screws, rods, and locking plates will be used to stabilize and facilitate the healing of the broken portions of the femur. Screws can extend into the socket and the femur, given the site of the fracture.

Otherwise, an entire hip replacement may be the better decision, especially for intracapsular fractures. Here, the entire ball and socket of the hip are replaced with artificial components. Doctors will move forward with your treatment and recovery based on your past medical conditions and health before the injury.