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How can I make my house safe for my elderly parent?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

When you have older adults living with you, modifying your home so they can get around safely is one way to extend their independence and mobility. Upsettingly, fall-related injuries are a leading cause of hospital and emergency room visits for seniors. Some easy way to prevent falls around the home are to:

  • Improve the lighting
  • Make sure open, high-traffic areas are clear of things that your elder could slip or trip on
  • Make sure rugs or loose carpets are secured
  • Install extra grab rails around the home, and especially in the bathroom

The shower is an area where falls happen many times due to the combination of getting in or out of the shower and wet floors. If possible, consider getting a walk-in tub to make bathing easier for your senior.