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What are some signs of addiction I should look out for?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

When recognizing signs of alcoholism in seniors, here a few things to look for:

  • Do they often have the smell of alcohol on their breath?
  • Do they drink alone or in a hidden way?
  • Is the senior often tipsy or have slurred speech?
  • Are they hurting themselves or others when drinking?

If you are looking to recognize senior prescription drug abuse, look for some of these signs:

  • Have they increased their dosage? (Did they used to take 2 pills a day but are now taking 5 or 6?)
  • Has their mood changed? Are they more anxious, irritable, or withdrawn?
  • Have they been treated for alcohol or drug abuse before?
  • Are they giving excuses as to why they need more pills?

Note that any of these signals could indicate circumstances other than drug abuse, but if you find yourself answering yes to multiple questions, explore your senior's relationship with alcohol or drugs.