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My loved one recently fell getting out of the bathtub, how can we prevent it from happening again?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

We are sorry to hear that your loved one fell getting out of the bathtub. Bathrooms are common places for seniors to fall. To help avoid another fall in the future we have provided you with a few options to consider. The first option would be to install a new, walk-in bathtub so your elder does not have to climb over any ledge while getting into or out of the tub. If this is not an option financially, you can also install a handrail or two so your loved one has something to hold onto while they get into the tub. If neither is financially viable, make sure you have someone to help your elder in and out of the tub. You can also ready more about suggested

Finally, you can read more about suggested bathroom saftey products to determine if any of these products can help your senior.