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What are my surgical options for treating osteoarthritis?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

For joints having undergone excessive damage, a surgical replacement may be a viable solution. Artificial joints, called prostheses are made from metal alloys, high-density plastics, and ceramic materials, lasting anywhere from 10 to 15 years on average without any maintenance.

Prostheses are joined to existing bones with special cement. Some are further secured by porous surfaces that use the regrowth of the surrounding bone in a process called biologic fixation.

The most common joints replaced include knees, hips, and shoulders. Current developments in the field may one day allow patients to replace their joints with 3D-printed versions created using their own tissue. The future of these types of surgeries is very promising!

If you or a loved one is experiencing joint pain and suspect it to be osteoarthritis, contact your trusted physician for advice. There are many methods of treating this condition, yet a definitive cure remains elusive. Regular exercise and staying active can be great ways to resist the onset of osteoarthritis, although less mobile individuals may need greater relief through medications or surgery.