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We’ve been trying to encourage our father to seek treatment for his depression for years, but he just doesn’t want to budge. What can we do to help him with his condition?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

As always, offering your support is helpful without trying to force any particular course of action. Remember that for seniors, they are at a point in their lives where things are changing. They are dealing with mental and physical challenges that come along with aging. If they are becoming less independent or have a chronic illness they may feel like they are losing control. In this case, your father's refusal to seek treatment for his depression may stem from that feeling of losing control.

To start, it may be useful to help him seek out an additional support group to talk through his depression and take the next steps. Depending on the severity and his current health, it’s possible that antidepressants could help, although this may not be the best first option. Exercise and finding positive expressive outlets can also be a great way for seniors to cope with their depression.