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My doctor just told me that he is sending me to do a sleep study. I’m nervous. What can I expect?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Mayo Clinic does great job of explaining the details of a sleep study, but generally speaking here’s what you can expect during your sleep study.

1. Arrive at the sleep center in the evening.

2. Go through your normal bedtime routine. You have your own bedroom and bathroom.

3. After your bedtime routine polysomnography technologists will attach sensors to your head, chest, and legs to monitor your movement. They are long enough so you will be able to move freely.

4. Polysomnography technologists will monitor your actions throughout the night. If you have any issues throughout the night you can talk to them through the monitoring equipment.

5. If you have sleep apnea and they think it’s for the best, they may ask you to try on a positive airway pressure (PAP) machine. This machine covers your nose and will provide a constant stream of air throughout the night to enhance your breathing.

6. In the morning you will be able to leave freely and continue with your usual activities.

7. You will receive your results from the test about 2 weeks after your sleep study.