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I live in a state where recreational cannabis is legal - are there any risks I should consider as a senior before I decide to try it?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

If you are a first time user, consider starting at a low dosage to see how the plant will agree with you. There are many different types or "strains" of cannabis available, each with their own distinct set of therapeutic effects. As is the case with many prescription medications, it's best not to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery while consuming the herb. Otherwise, there are almost no known health risks associated with the use of cannabis in seniors. Many people actually find it helps with many conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, insomnia, loss of appetite, among others. Although there are some emerging studies that suggest cannabis may not be recommended for people with preexisting heart conditions, it's important to consume in moderation and monitor your health to avoid further issues.