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I've been feeling particularly stressed lately and I feel like it's affecting my health. What are some quick easy ways to relieve stress for seniors?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Excessive stress can have many physical and emotional effects on your wellbeing. Whether it's from trying to plan your retirement, deal with health issues, or just from everything all at once, finding ways to relieve stress is very important. If you're healthy enough to do so, light to moderate exercise is a great way to get your blood circulating and maintain your physique. Other ways could include meditation, listening to relaxing music, or even talking with a loved one or support group to get to the root of your stress. It's not advised that you turn to alcohol or other harmful substances to manage stress, as this may cause more health problems in the long run. In general, think about what is causing you to become stressed and what the healthiest way to respond would be.