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What are the symptoms of asthma?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

The biggest symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing, but there are also a number of other symptoms including:

  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing/whistling while breathing
  • Chest tightness

Everyone can experience their asthma symptoms differently, so someone could only have one symptom, while someone else could have all of them. Coughing can be either sporadic or reoccur with it being the worst at night or in the morning. It can be very difficult to catch your breath when you experience shortness of breath because it is difficult to breathe deeply. Wheezing happens in the chest while breathing, and can be felt as well as heard. With chest tightness, it can feel like you have something heavy sitting on your chest.

Difficulty sleeping can evolve from any of the above-listed symptoms because they can often worsen at night or while you are lying down. 

Make sure to monitor and record your symptoms, so you are able to tell how your treatments are working or not working. If any of your symptoms occur more often than your doctor recommends, new ones occur, or if they are more severe, you should talk to your doctor about adjusting your action plan.