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What treatments are available for asthma?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

There are different types of treatments for asthma, but they are mainly divided between long-term asthma control medications and quick-relief or rescue asthma medications. They are all typically bronchodilators, which expand the passageways to and from the lungs.

Long-term asthma control medications are used every day and are either inhaled or taken orally. They are the first line of defense against your asthma symptoms and the main method used to treat your asthma. They are used to keep your airways open and to help block the chain reaction that leads to an asthma attack.

Quick-relief or rescue asthma medications work quickly and are only used when you feel your asthma symptoms. Quick relief medications are able to open up your airways within a few minutes and are essential to carry around with you because they could potentially save your life. Your asthma should mostly be controlled by your long-term control medications, so if you find yourself needing quick relief more than twice a week, talk to your doctor about adjusting your action plan for treatment.

Additional treatments for asthma include immunotherapy and bronchial thermoplasty. Immunotherapy is for those whose symptoms are due to allergies, and overtime, the therapy can help you build immunity to the allergen and therefore reduce your asthma. Bronchial thermoplasty should only be used in instances of severe and uncontrollable asthma. It reduces the size of the smooth muscles within the airway, so it cannot constrict as far.