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Is it possible to prevent an asthma attack?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Asthma attacks can be scary and life-threatening, so it is important to know what measure to take to prevent an asthma attack. Learning what your triggers and signs are will help you live better with asthma.

Have an action plan so that you know what you should do, when you should take medications, and any emergency instructions for others in case something happens.

Educate yourself on asthma. Learn what your triggers are and record your symptoms. When you know everything you can about your asthma, it becomes easier to control it and prevent attacks. 

Avoid any of your known triggers when you can. Sometimes this just isn’t possible, so be prepared with your quick-relief medication. 

Visit your doctor regularly to monitor your symptoms and medications to make sure you are doing what is best to treat your asthma. Just because something worked for you before, does not mean that it always will. Be flexible to changes in your action plan in order to receive the best treatment plan.