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My sister has been taking care of our mother for about 2 years now. She says she needs help, but I have a family of my own to take care. What should we do!?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

If your sister has been feeling this way for awhile, she may be experiencing caregiver burnout, which may hinder her from providing adequate care for your mother. It is perfectly understandable that you are not able to care for your mother. Caregiving is a big responsibility. Has your sister considered using adult day care services or respite care services? These will allow her to get a well-needed break from caregiving for a couple hours or several weeks.

If your sister cannot provide care for your mother anymore, consider in-home care or moving your mother to a senior care community. Whatever you and your sister decide, be sure to keep your mother's need at the forefront of your thoughts.