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My father is visiting some friends this summer and he has to fly there. Is there anything I can do to ease my mind?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Yes, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your father lands safe and sound. Planning is key. Make sure your father has an itinerary so he knows where to be and at what time. There are a few more things that your father should consider. There are medical transportation or volunteer driving services that will provide more help than a taxi by helping your father with his bags and getting you in and out of the car. If traveling alone, there are also concierge services that will help from curb to plane. Wheelchairs should also be considered. Will your father be bringing your own or do you need to request one to move you through the airport? These are just a few ways that you can ensure that his trip goes smoothly.