Discover Dementia Care in Wyoming

Dementia care units in Wyoming, which can also go by the terms Alzheimer’s care, memory care, or specialty care units, are facilities that are specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals with forms of dementia. They typically include specially trained staff and systems that constantly monitor residents, ensure their safety, and prevent wandering.


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Alzheimer's Care Homes in Wyoming - Cost Comparison

LocationMonthly MinimumMonthly Maximum
Rock Springs$3,000$4,975

*Average monthly cost for single occupancy room in a memory care community

Recreation and Attractions in Wyoming

Wyoming is filled with beautiful nature and American Western attractions. The Yellowstone National Park and all of the individual attractions such as the Upper Geyser Basin, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, and Old Faithful are all very popular options. The Buffalo Bill Center of the West and various museums portray the American West culture. 

Wyoming's Climate, Geography, and Culture

The climate in Wyoming supports four seasons, but between summer and winter, they are extremely different. Summers are short and hot and winters are long and cold. The average high temperature in the summer is 85 degrees and the low for winter is 9 degree. With 222 days of sunshine annually and low humidity, Wyoming is considered to be very comfortable. Over 75 days of measurable precipitation, 13 inches of rain and 55 inches of snow can be expected. Wyoming holds the America West culture close with rodeos and festivals popular throughout the state. Since 1897, the Frontier Days rodeo has been held in Cheyenne. Overall, Wyoming is known to be a very conservative state.

Wyoming's Memory Care Regulations and Laws

In Wyoming, dementia units are allowed under a tiered licensing system that includes admission and discharge, assessment, background check, and staff training requirements depending on the level of care. Staff must be able to accommodate all residents and their needs with at least one staff person awake at all times with a community with eight or more residents. Additionally, 12 hours for staff and 16 hours for administrators of annual dementia-specific training is required. 

Crime and Safety in Wyoming

Wyoming is ranked 20th in overall safety according to 2016’s the Safest States to Live In.

LocationViolent Crimes Per 1,000 ResidentsProperty Crimes Per 1,000 Residents
Green River2.4512.83

Payment Options for Dementia Care in Wyoming

Medicare, private long-term insurance, and out of pocket payments are the typical payment methods used for dementia care in Wyoming. A Medicaid home and community-based waiver is available. The average monthly cost for Memory Care in Wyoming is about $4,800.

Elderly Rights for Alzheimer's Care in Wyoming

In Wyoming, patients have the right to be informed about diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis along with alternatives and side effects in a manner they understand. They may also either refuse or consent treatment or taking part of research. The patient’s privacy and confidentiality should be respected. The patient of a memory care community has the right to appoint a surrogate decision maker to make decisions for them if they no longer have the cognitive ability to do so.  

WY Memory Care: Medical Record Rules and Regulations

Patients in Wyoming, or their legal representative, may make a written request to examine or obtain a copy of their medical records. Within 10 days the health care provider must make the information available, deny the request, or inform the patient if it cannot be found, they do not have it, or there is a delay. A reasonable fee may be applied to cover costs incurred.    

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