5 Symptoms of Overactive Bladder

May 16, 2016

5 Symptoms of Overactive Bladder

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Overactive bladder (OAB) is a group of urinary symptoms that affect millions of Americans. It is not a disease.

Approximately 33 million people are affected by overactive bladder, but there are probably much more that have not been diagnosed because they are either embarrassed or do not know how to talk to their doctor about it. Some even believe that there are no treatments for OAB, but that is not the case.

What are the Symptoms of Overactive Bladder?

There are five telltale signs that you may have an overactive bladder. If you think that you may have OAB, the best thing to do is try to understand it and determine if you have these following symptoms.

1. Sudden Urge to Urinate

The sudden urge to urinate is probably the biggest symptom of OAB. If you suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to urinate, which makes it difficult to make it to the bathroom in time, you may have an overactive bladder. It can happen at all times of the day even if you have just emptied your bladder or you have had nothing to drink all day. Some people end up leaking urine when this happens and that is called incontinence. Another type of incontinence, which is not part of OAB, is called stress urinary incontinence, or SUI. It is when people leak urine while there is a stress applied to the body such as sneezing, laughing, or physical activity.

2. Urinating too Often

The question is, what exactly constitutes “too often?” It depends on the person, but if you find yourself having to use the bathroom eight or more times a day, for no known reason, then you may have an overactive bladder. Water pills or drinking more than normal during the day does not mean that you have an overactive bladder. Those are normal reasons that result in urinating more than normal.

3. Disruption of Sleep

Having your sleep disrupted by urges to empty your bladder can be a huge inconvenience and can cause more problems the longer it lasts. If you find yourself being woken two or more times during the night, it is called nocturia. While this does become more common as people age, it is also a key symptom of overactive bladder. Being disrupted while you should be sleeping can also cause major problems in other parts of your life. The continued lack of a good night sleep can lead to decreased awareness during the day, increased chances of major health problems, depression, and more.

4. Accidents

Accidents can come in small or large form, but either way, if you are having them, there is a good chance there is a problem. A few drops could squeeze out right as you make it to the toilet, or you may not be able to stop yourself before you reach the bathroom: this would point back to incontinence.

Lifestyle adjustments

If you notice that you have been making lifestyle adjustments because you worry about how often your need to use the bathroom, or you are worried that you will have a sudden urge with a restroom just out of reach, you may have an overactive bladder. You may become less willing to go out and spend time with your friends and family, which can cause strains in your relationship. You may start looking for and spotting the restrooms as soon as you get somewhere. If you start making adjustments to your life just because of your urinary problems, there is a good chance you may have OAB.

The symptoms of overactive bladder can be isolating and lonely, but you are not alone. If you experience any additional symptoms such as fever, pain, or fatigue, it is especially important to visit your doctor. OAB is not simply part of getting older or because you have an enlarged prostate, it is a group of urinary problems. There is no reason for you to continue living with it. There are options available so reach out to your doctor and seek the treatment that you deserve.

5 Symptoms of Overactive Bladder
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