How to Reduce High Blood Pressure

May 26, 2016

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure

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Currently, 1 in 3 adults experiences high blood pressure in the United States – that’s about 70 million people! Of those individuals, only 52 percent have their hypertension under control, a condition costing the nation over $46 billion each year.

As we age, it becomes much more likely that we will develop high blood pressure. 64 percent of men and 69.3 percent of women between the ages of 65 and 74 are affected by hypertension and elevated blood pressure. 

There is not a single identifiable cause of this condition. Primary hypertension develops over many years. When there are distinct factors or other underlying health conditions leading to high blood pressure, this is known as secondary hypertension.

Symptoms of Hypertension

It is uncommon for people with hypertension to experience any outward symptoms until blood pressure spikes to a dangerously high level. This is known as a hypertensive crisis.

If you experience light-headedness, severe headaches, and/or nosebleeds it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Other symptoms of a hypertensive crisis include severe anxiety, a shortness of breath, and intense disorientation.

Left uncontrolled, hypertension can lead to much more serious conditions such as:

  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Heart failure
  • Aneurysm
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Trouble with cognition and memory
  • Damaged blood vessels in kidneys
  • Damaged blood vessels in eyes

If you take your own blood pressure and receive a systolic pressure above 180 or 110 or greater for the diastolic pressure, you may be experiencing a hypertensive crisis. Wait only a few minutes and check again; if the numbers remain or increase, don’t hesitate to call 911.

Sustained hypertensive crises can cause severe complications, such as brain swelling or hemorrhaging, strokes, fluid in the lungs, and tears in the heart’s main artery.

How to Avoid Hypertension and Reduce High Blood Pressure

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, there are immediate lifestyle changes you can make. Eating a healthy diet, quitting smoking, and maintaining a healthy weight are the important regardless, but make a huge difference in heart and blood vessel health. Cutting back or completely abstaining from alcohol for people with high blood pressure can also help manage this condition.

In addition to medication and making lifestyle changes, another way to treat hypertension is by finding stress management techniques. Look for healthy alternatives such as meditation, therapeutic exercise like yoga, and by finding an outlet to express any internal frustrations.

However, these lifestyle changes aren’t always enough to treat hypertension, so your doctor may recommend one or several medications to help.

Remember, high blood pressure doesn’t show many symptoms until it is dangerously excessive, so regular check-ups can really help you stay on top of the condition. Finding which of these suggestions work for you can make the difference in managing your hypertension today!

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure
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