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I'm a home caregiver, is it really necessary to join a support group?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

This completely depends on how you and your family are reacting to this change in lifestyle. Many people feel that sharing stories about challenges and triumphs are really beneficial and uplifting, while others do fine without attending support groups. If you are experiencing caregiver burnout, it may be time for counseling.

Support groups are great resources and allow you to hear the experiences of others, and they help many caregivers realize that they are not the only one facing certain difficulties. If you choose to physically attend a support group, ask your family, or anyone else living in the household if they’d like to come along. If in-person support groups aren’t for you, or they don’t fit into your schedule, there are loads of online support groups you can find and join through resources like AARP and the Family Caregiver Alliance.