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How do I prepare for being the primary caregiver to an older relative?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Assess both your needs, as well as the needs of your older relative. Do you have a plan in place to have another family member help you in times of caregiver burnout? Will you be caring for your relative in your own home or theirs? Is the home equipped with safety features to reduce the risk of falls or injuries?

Locate all of their important and legal documents and find out which family member would like to be in charge of your senior's finances or medical decisions in the event that they become unable to make their own. Additionally, you need to plan on long-term care options in the event of an unexpected medical condition or a worsening of their health condition. Do you know where to turn to get help understanding the needs of your loved one? Do you know their preference for senior living options, in the event that your senior can no longer be cared for by you at home?