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This morning my elderly father, who lives in assisted living, told me that he's tired and just wants to die. I didn't know what to do so I just left the room. What am I supposed to say back to that?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Hearing your loved one say those words can be very difficult, so difficult in fact that you ignore it. But, that’s not the best way to handle this situation. While it’s hard for you to admit that your dad is nearing the end of his life, it’s important for you to acknowledge that he has lived a full life and no longer has the energy to live life in his current state. Give him time to talk about this tough issue and why he feels this way, but also set boundaries. Acknowledge to him when the conversation becomes too much for you and you need to stop talking about it. Finally, as difficult as this may be to accept, the power of human will cannot be overstated. If your elderly father is talking about death, then spend as much time with him as possible because you may not have much time left.