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My elderly mother abused me as a child and as she aged I became her caretaker. While she can’t physically harm me now, the emotional abuse is just as painful. I still love her - but what can I do?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

I’m so sorry that you had to deal with abuse in childhood and adulthood. My best recommendation to you is to look out for your mental health. If you find yourself taking your anger out on your loved ones after your mother emotionally abuses you, or you believe your mental health is being weakened because of her actions, then it’s time to disconnect, detach, and set boundaries. Whether it’s for a few days, weeks, or longer, it’s important to make sure that your mental health remains intact. If setting boundaries means that you hire outside care for your mother, then do it. If it means putting her in assisted living, then do it. Learning to detach and set boundaries may be difficult and take time, but you’ll be happy you did it.