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I want my senior to eat something in the morning, what are some breakfast foods to consider?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

There are a variety of great breakfast foods that will help your senior kickstart their day.

Fruit - Fruit is a great way to kickstart metabolism and a great boost of sugar and energy. A banana or apple is a great on-the-go food for your senior to eat.

Granola - Granola is a great breakfast food that is high in fiber and nutritious. Mixing nuts or berries in with the granola will not only be a great morning snack but can also be a great snack throughout the day.

Yogurt - Yogurt is a great way to regulate the digestive system and can be a great breakfast meal for your senior. Easy to digest and presented in a variety of flavors, yogurt is the perfect way to start the day.