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What ways can eye diseases be detected?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

The most common way to diagnose eye diseases is through a comprehensive, professional eye exam. During the exam you will encounter several tests designed to evaluate different aspects of your eye health:

  • Dilation - Doctors use special drops which cause the pupil of the eye to become enlarged, allowing them to see its different components. From here they can view any abnormalities or signs of disease.
  • Tonometry - By applying a quick burst of air or a pressure-sensitive instrument to the surface of your eye, doctors can detect any elevation of eye pressure that may indicate glaucoma. It’s common for a local anesthetic to be used to avoid discomfort.
  • Visual Field Test - This measures your range of peripheral vision. A lack of ability to see from the sides of your visual field may also point toward the development of glaucoma.
  • Visual Acuity Test - Evaluates your ability to read an eye chart, measuring how accurately you can judge distances and shapes between either eye.