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Senior Physical Activity: Keeping Conditions At Bay - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Senior Physical Activity: Keeping Conditions At Bay

Old age is often associated with pains, aches, and memory loss to say the least. And while many medications are available to ease those symptoms or conditions, they can also easily be treated with senior physical activity. To live a happier, healthier life, try reducing the amount of medications to take, and see what conditions can be improved with the help of a little physical activity.

Conditions That Can Be Improved With Senior Physical Activity

Urinary Incontinence

There are many reasons for urinary incontinence. However, it is most common among women who have either given birth or those who suffer from osteoporosis.  Whether you are currently suffering from it or hoping to prevent it, combat urine leaks with the help of physical therapy. If you’re worried about urinary incontinence, seek the advice of a physician or physical therapist and learn the exercises that can be done to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

More commonly known as an enlarged prostate, BPH is all too common among aging men. Causing difficulties in initiating and/or maintaining urine flow, BPH could lead to serious issues such as kidney malfunction. The search of treatment options should only be done with the consultation of a physician. Symptoms, the size of the prostate, and other potential or current health issues must be taken into consideration. Luckily, recent findings suggest that regular exercise can improve prostate health.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Seniors who lead a sedentary lifestyle have a higher risk of developing dementia. Simply adding physical activity to your daily routine, will significantly keep dementia at bay! No need to sign up for a gym membership, physical therapy sessions and moderate activities such as a brisk walk will do.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The latest study shows that IBS is another common condition that can easily be controlled with some simple daily physical activity. Stress is one of the biggest triggers for IBS, and as exercise is a natural stress-reducer, it is only natural that it is one of the effective ways to combat IBS. Enhance the effectiveness of exercise and pair it with a healthy and balanced diet.

Tips on Creating and Sticking to an Exercise Regime

Whether you are trying to alleviate, keep one of the mentioned conditions at bay, or simply interested in adopting a plan to improve your overall health, these simple general tips will help you on your journey for a healthier tomorrow.

  • Choose a senior physical activity that you enjoy. The key to an exercise routine is ensuring it’s a plan that you will surely stick to.
  • Find a group or a buddy to exercise with. Countless studies have proven that exercising with one or more people will increase your chances of sticking with your exercise plan.
  • Embed exercise in your routine. By choosing a specific time, exercising will become second nature like eating and sleeping.

Author: scadmin

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