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Emotional Wellbeing Archives - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog
4 Best Pets for Seniors

4 Best Pets for Seniors

Best Pets for Seniors- Who Will be the New Companion? Everyone needs an animal companion every once in a while. What would Shaggy be without Scooby-doo? What would Mickey Mouse be without Pluto? We all need a four, two, or no-legged friends to spend time with. Pets are especially beneficial to elderly adults who many feel depressed or lonely. But not all pets are ideal for seniors. Below, we’ve listed the five best pets for seniors. 5...

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5 Ways to Help Seniors Avoid Isolation

5 Ways to Help Seniors Avoid Isolation

The older we get, the more self-reliant and independent we become, right? While this is mostly true, this independence is not very sustainable. Our self-reliance is often described as a bell-curve instead of a linear increase. As we age, we generally need more help from other people. This not only applies to our physical difficulties, but it’s also relevant to our mental health. One of the most pressing issues affecting seniors...

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Technology for Seniors: How to Stay in Touch

Technology for Seniors: How to Stay in Touch

You may have heard people say, “It’s so easy to stay in touch nowadays!” However, staying in touch is not easy unless you know how to do it. Studies show that seniors who stay in touch with their loved ones live healthier and happier lives. Spending quality time with loved ones is always important and beneficial, but sometimes it’s just not possible. You and your loved ones might be too busy to visit each other, so it’s...

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Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation for Seniors

Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation for Seniors

When you think of the word “meditation,” what comes to mind? While many people used to associate meditation with monks or yogis, it is becoming an increasingly popular practice for the average individual today. In particular, meditation for seniors is especially beneficial when it comes to aging. For the elderly, meditation comes with a variety of physical, mental, and emotional health benefits. Keep reading to find out...

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Treating Anxiety in the Elderly

Treating Anxiety in the Elderly

Many times, the health issues seniors deal with are generally outward and strictly physical. However, one’s health depends on both physical and mental aspects in order to live well. Honestly, someone could be completely healthy in terms of their physical health, but may still suffer from this increasingly common condition — generalized anxiety. Considering the prevalence and growing awareness of this issue, we’ll explore ways...

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Treatments for Seasonal Depression in Seniors

Treatments for Seasonal Depression in Seniors

As the weather grows colder and winter holidays approach, not everyone feels the joy of the season. In fact, many seniors experience a decrease in their mood, energy, and outlook due to changing temperatures and daylight hours. This condition is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression, and it’s a serious concern for many seniors. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to migrate closer to the equator each...

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