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Home Safety Tips that May Just Save Your Life - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Home Safety Tips that May Just Save Your Life

As a senior, you may assess the safety of situations more so than when you were younger because you know that slipping or falling is more likely and can have dire consequences. You might even take preventative measures to ensure that you live a safe life. You might be more careful when your drive, or you might refrain from going outside while it’s icy.

But is your home safe?

Home safety may not be at the forefront of your mind because it is a place of comfort and security, but it should be.

Did you know?

Here are some fast facts regarding seniors and home safety:

  • 60% of falls happen at home
  • 48% of senior home accidents could have been prevented
  • 65% of senior homes have at least one safety issue
  • 85% of seniors haven’t done anything to prepare their home to be safer

Injuries like falls can decrease a senior’s confidence in their mobility

4 Tips For a Safe Home

With the statistics listed above, you can see how important a safe home really is. There are a few steps that you can take to make sure that your home is safe.

1. Clean up the clutter

The first step in achieving a home safety is cleaning up the clutter. Clutter can come in many forms such as knick-knacks, excess furniture, or three weeks worth of mail lying on the counter. Clean it up and stay organized. Get rid of anything that is in the way and that you don’t need. Knick-knack and just general mess can make completing daily activities more difficult then they need to be. They can also be a tripping hazard, such as excess and large furniture.

2. Assess and rearrange your surroundings

The next step is towards home safety is assessing it and making adjustments when necessary.

  • What items do you use the most?
  • Are they easily accessible?
  • Do you struggle to get them?

It is best to have the items that you use the most in accessible places in your home: places where you do not have to work hard to reach. Plates, bowls, and glasses are typically used the most often, so it would not be in your best interest to have them on the top shelf of the cabinet. Assess what you use the most and where it is currently located and then determine if there is a better place for it.

3. Take preventative measures for home safety

After you have accessed your current living situation and made any necessary adjustments, the next step is to take preventative measures so you can be as safe as possible.

The most important thing to do is install (or have someone install for you) handles and railings throughout your home. They should be in the bathroom to assist you when getting up from the toilet and also in the shower to help you get in and out as well as if you feel you might slip. Nonslip rugs and mats in the bathroom, and elsewhere throughout the home, can help also prevent falling. There should also be railings on both sides of any stairs in your home. That way, there is no excuse for not using it while going up or down. Even if you are carrying something in one hand, there is a railing available on the other side.

Another important aspect to consider adjusting is lighting. Make sure that there is adequate lighting in the whole house, but especially places where you spend a lot of time or where other hazards may exist. Hallways, bathrooms, the kitchen, and stairways are especially important. Night-lights are also helpful when you need to use the bathroom or get water during the night.

4. Get help if you need it

The last thing to achieve in home safety is asking for help. Even as an independent senior, there is no shame in asking for help. Maybe you are having trouble determining what the safety hazards are throughout your house. Ask a loved one or friend take a look around your house, or even get advice from your doctor. Maybe you have pinpointed that it would be beneficial to install a grab bar in your shower, but you can’t install it. Ask someone to help you or even hire someone to do it for you.

If you have taken all the preventable measures that you can, but still find yourself having problems, it might be in your best interest to hire a home aid or home-helper. They can help you keep your home safe and give you a sense of peace knowing someone is always coming to check on you.

Home safety is important because it directly influences your safety. Take all the measures that you can, but if you still find yourself in a bind, asking for help is the best option: your life might rely on it.

Author: scadmin

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