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Best Way to Clean Dentures | Tips and Tricks! - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Best Way to Clean Dentures | Tips and Tricks!

As we age, many of us will come to need a little extra equipment in the dental department. Teeth are notoriously difficult to maintain the older we get, although they’re still important to eating and speech! For lots of seniors, dentures represent a very standard solution that can provide many years of use. Still, like most tools you use every day, dentures require a bit of maintenance to work as well as they can! Here we’ll talk about the best way to clean dentures and some tips you should know:

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best ways to clean dentures

Best Ways to Clean Dentures | Tips and Tricks!

Dentures are a very common reality for many seniors, so it’s no wonder that caring for them is on lots of minds. Most dentures are not cheap, ranging anywhere from $1,275 to $3,150 for a single set! Besides these costs, learning the best way to clean dentures is relatively inexpensive. While many assume that caring for dentures is done the same way one brushes their teeth, this isn’t necessarily the case. Let’s start with some of the basics:

1. Remove Your Dentures After Eating

After a meal is the best time to clean your dentures because any remaining food particles will stay loose. When you’re removing your dentures, have a soft towel on the counter or in the sink. Dentures are notoriously slippery and you won’t want to drop them on a hard surface! Many also have plastic pieces or clasps that you will want to avoid bending while handling your dentures.

Besides rinsing and brushing your dentures after a meal, it’s also important to clean your mouth at the same time. Depending on the number of natural teeth you’ve retained, you’ll want to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush away food particles and plaque. It’s recommended that you use dental gauze or a soft toothbrush to clean your tongue, cheeks, and the roof of your mouth. Remember to remove any remaining denture adhesive from your gums if used!

2. Daily Care

Removing and gently cleaning your dentures on a daily basis is highly recommended. Just like you’d brush natural teeth at least twice a day, frequent maintenance goes a long way with dentures. Although they aren’t exactly like natural teeth, they are similar enough to demand constant cleaning. However, one of the benefits to having dentures is the ability to let them soak overnight.

Most types of dentures actually need to stay moist in order to keep their shape. This requires that you place yours in water or a mild denture-soaking solution overnight. You’ll need to check with your dentist on how exactly to do this, however when it doubt just follow the manufacturer’s instructions on cleaning and soaking solutions.

After using a denture-soaking solution it’s very important to rinse these chemicals off before using your dentures! In the worst cases, ingestion of these substances can cause vomiting, pain, or even burns if swallowed!

best way to clean dentures

3. What You Should Typically Avoid

Making sure you maintain the quality of your dentures is also about knowing what NOT to do. For one, you’ll want to avoid stiff-bristled brushes, strong cleansers, and harsh toothpastes. These are often too abrasive and can damage your dentures. Whitening toothpastes that contain peroxide and bleaching products are also best avoided for those with dentures. Additionally, avoid using hot or boiling water to clean your dentures as this can warp them.

Overall, the best way to clean dentures is a combination of proper handling, using the right cleaning utensils, and avoiding harmful substances. Making sure to provide your dentures with daily care ensures you’ll get a lot of great use out of them for many years!

What’s the best way to clean dentures for you? Let us know in the comments below!

Author: scadmin

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