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Transportation Options for Seniors Who Can No Longer Drive - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Transportation Options for Seniors Who Can No Longer Drive

As a caregiver, you are faced with many tough decisions to make for your loved one. One of those decisions can be taking the keys away when it is no longer safe for them to be on the road. This can be a scary thing for seniors who view driving as one of the last independent activities they have. Not being able to get around can lead to depression, lack of confidence, or a sense of isolation. Finding transportation options for your loved one is important to restore their sense of purpose and sense of independence.

Many programs or local resources exist for those who no longer hold their own keys.

Alternative Transportation Options

Finding the best transportation options can be tough once your senior can no longer drive themselves. Here are a few of the choices they have available to them.

Family Volunteers– Whether you are a full or part-time caregiver, it may be hard for you to find time to drive your loved one around. Asking for family or friend volunteers is a great way to help you senior gets where they need to go. This also ensures that your loved one will know and feel comfortable with the person driving the, around.

Local Church Vans– Many local churches offer their services that benefit the elderly. Often, they will have volunteer van drivers who take seniors to the doctor’s appointments, shopping, physical therapy, or group activities. If your loved one is still involved with their church community, they may have friends they are comfortable around who take advantage of this service.

Uber, Lyft, or Taxis– These transportation options are available at the touch of a button. If your senior knows how to operate smartphone apps, or you are there to help them, personal driving companies such as Uber and Lyft will come to their location to pick them up. There are also options within these apps for food delivery if you don’t have the time to cook a full meal. Taxis are also still a great, affordable option available to seniors who only need to go out a few times a week.

Public Transportation– Though is most likely a last resort, using the public bus or train is still one of the best transportation options out there for seniors. If your loved one can still move around pretty well on their own, don’t suffer from any diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, and are confident in using public transportation, let them. Many public transit services offer discount programs in the form of a frequent user card, letting senior ride for a lesser price.

Author: scadmin

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