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Vascular Dementia Treatment - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Vascular Dementia Treatment

If you were recently diagnosed with vascular dementia, you may be wondering what you can do as part of your daily routine to slow down the inevitable memory loss that comes with dementia. There are plenty of studies out there that suggest doing things like dieting or meditating to help slow memory loss, but a recent study suggests that one vascular dementia treatment can be as simple as brisk walking.

Walking: Vascular Dementia Treatment

Walking for one hour a day, three times a week can help slow down memory loss in those diagnosed with vascular dementia, according to an April study conducted by The British Journal of Sports Medicine. Walking as a vascular dementia treatment sounds easy enough, right? If you are going to start walking, keep in mind that while on your walk you should make sure that you get your heart rate up, the Journal of Sports Medicine said. Also, consult with your doctor first to make sure walking is a good option for you, and that it won’t affect any other health issues you may have.

The six-month study about walking and vascular dementia examined 38 people who had mild or early form vascular cognitive impairment and who did not usually exercise. Each participant’s brain was scanned to see how the brain responded to certain tasks. After that, one group of the participants started walking while the other attended classes on nutrition and exercise. In the end, after some exercised and others learned, the second set of brain scans found that the walkers had more efficient brains and better thinking skills now than the other group of participants did.

Now that this study is complete, researchers are looking ahead to other potential studies such as what happens to the brain when vascular dementia patients stop exercising and become sedentary again. Another potential study would be looking into the different types or intensities of exercise to see if shorter or easier workouts would have any effect on the brain.

Other Vascular Dementia Treatment Options 

Although there are many studies done about the most common type of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, there are few studies about the different types of treatment for the second-most common form of dementia – vascular. Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer’s are different in that Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease with little known about a cause and a cure. Vascular dementia, on the other hand, occurs when a person’s blood vessels become damaged and blood flow to the brain slows. This can happen when someone has a stroke, for example. Vascular dementia is often associated with high blood pressure and heart disease.

Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia tend to have the same symptoms, such as confusion, difficulty deciding what to do next and depression. This is why vascular dementia treatment is similar to Alzheimer’s treatments.

Aside from walking, there are other activities you can do as part of your at-home vascular dementia treatment such as dieting to control your blood sugar, taking vitamins, and learning to relax by meditating or doing yoga, according to Dr. Hyman, a practicing physician, and best-selling author.

Looking for an at-home vascular dementia treatment option? Consult your physician today to see if you should start walking!

Author: scadmin

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